Is now the right time to buy an investment property?


the new website & phone apps


Watch this space – new website launching soon

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Fitzpatricks mission statement: Striving for excellence in our field, we aim to provide the best real estate service to the people of Wagga Wagga, embracing the highest standards of expertise, professionalism and integrity.

In order to stay true to our mission statement, we rely on you for feedback so we can continue our standard of expertise and improve wherever possible. We would like you to know we take all feedback seriously, nothing goes unheard and we strongly encourage you to let us know of your experience with our service, in whatever area it may be.

Thanks to you we have been able to improve one of our most widely used services; our website. Fitzpatricks Real Estate is pleased to announce that there is an exciting and innovative new website just around the corner!

Without giving too much away; our new website will show notable improvement in useability, functionality, originality and aesthetically, with a focus on embracing social networking technologies. We are confident that these qualities will meet your needs, improve our service and give a better overall user experience.

If you have any more suggestions or ideas for our website please let us know as soon as possible by emailing us or posting it on our Facebook discussion board