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why use a financial adviser?

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fin_advisorA professional financial adviser is dedicated to understanding all the risks and returns associated with the wide range of investment options available.

They are aware of tax and legal implications and can help you structure your finances to meet your financial needs throughout your working life and when you retire. Access to this expertise and understanding can deliver powerful results, both financially and for your own peace of mind.

Before engaging a financial adviser ensure that you do your homework:

  • Ask around and get recommendations or speak with your accountant
  • Are they licensed and insured?
  • Interview and ask lots of questions
  • What qualifications do they hold?
  • What is their area of expertise? (i.e. property, managed funds, shares etc.)
  • What resources do they have access to?
  • What ongoing services do they provide?
  • How are they paid – do they receive a commission?
  • Do you have a good rapport with them?