new land at Boorooma


ending a fixed term agreement


what constitutes an urgent repair?

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roof_leakWith the holiday season soon upon us, it’s important to know what is regarded as an urgent (emergency) repair and needs attention after hours.  These are listed in the Tenancy Agreement, as are the contact details for nominated tradespeople to call after hours, if required.

The legislated urgent repairs are:

  • a burst water service or a serious water service leak
  • a blocked or broken toilet
  • a serious roof leak
  • a gas leak
  • a dangerous electrical fault
  • flooding or serious flood damage
  • serious storm or fire damage
  • a failure or breakdown of the gas, electricity or water supply to the premises
  • a failure or breakdown of the hot water service
  • a failure or breakdown of the stove or oven
  • a failure or breakdown of a heater or air-conditioner
  • a fault or damage which makes the premises unsafe or insecure.

Where a repair falls into the urgent category, the landlord or agent must arrange for the repairs to be done as soon as possible. If after hours, check your tenancy agreement for the details of the nominated tradesperson to contact.

If urgent repairs are not done within a reasonable time you may be able to arrange for the work to be done and be reimbursed by the landlord (but only up to $1000).