staying connected


the ato and rental properties


material facts

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When leasing out your property, please ensure that you disclose any necessary information that may affect your tenants. Please familiarise yourself with these questions asked in a managing agency agreement.

Has the property been subject to flooding or bushfire in the proceeding five years?

Are the premises subject to significant health and safety risks that are not apparent to a reasonable person on inspection of the premises?

Has the premises been the scene of a violent crime within the proceeding five years?

Will council waste services be provided to the tenant on a different basis than is generally applicable to premises within the area of the council?

Because of the zoning of the land, or other laws applying to development, will the tenant not be able to obtain a residential parking permit (in an area where only paid parking is provided)

Is there a driveway or walkway on the premises which other persons are legally entitled to share with the tenant?

Please contact your property manager if you feel that you should disclose something relevant to material fact.