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maintenance of an investment property isn’t just the landlord’s responsibility

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In preparing an investment property for lease, the Landlord should ensure the property is in good repair, well secured and fit for living.

During the tenancy, it is the Landlords responsibility to maintain the property in a reasonable state of repair. Also ensuring that all provided working appliances, such as dishwashers, air conditioners, spa baths etc are repaired and remain working for the duration of the tenancy. 

It is the Tenants responsibility to take reasonable action to prevent any potential maintenance issues arising – by ensuring the premises are kept clean and hygienic at all times.  eg cleaning up spills immediately to prevent floor rot and not to leave food stuffs lying around continually, that invites pests and vermin.  Tenants are also required to report maintenance as it occurs, to prevent the problem from escalating and causing additional damage and cost to the Landlord – eg, a leaking shower can cause significant structural and fixture damage if left unchecked for a period of time.

Sharing the maintenance responsibility helps to achieve a happy landlord and tenant during the tenancy.