Lake to Lagoon this Sunday


With low Vacancy Rates like this why wouldn’t you supercharge your Super….


Heart for the Homeless

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H4H_blogThis initiative was developed to help make a difference in the lives of the homeless within our community. In Australia over 105,000 citizens are homeless each night. Heart for the Homeless is a not-for-profit organisation focused on getting resources such as clothing, furniture and appliances to those who would otherwise go without.

With so many people moving house each week in Australia, there is an enormous amount of perfectly good household items ending up at the tip. It only takes three simple steps to become involved; people can register their move, list the items they no longer need and a local charity will collect the items directly from their house. It’s that simple.

If you are moving house and have household items you no longer need, register your move here.

So why not do your bit to help those who are a little less fortunate.

For more information on how the program works or how you can help directly visit the Heart for the Homeless website.