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Government Housing Grants

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The New South Wales Government currently has a number of grants available to those looking to build or buy a home, or for metropolitan home owners looking to re-locate to a regional area.

Seniors – 65 years or over
The Seniors Principal Place of Residence Duty Exemption will apply where the agreement for sale or transfer is either a completed new home purchase or an off the plan purchase where construction has commenced. Purchasers must be aged 65 or over, or if a married couple or de facto partners are the purchasers, one of them must be aged 65 or older.

First Home Owners Grant Scheme
The First Home Owner Grant Scheme (FHOGS) provides first home buyers with a $7000 grant to purchase their first home. Eligible first home owners can receive the grant regardless of their income or the area in which they are planning to buy or build. However, there is a cap on the value of the home.

First Home Owners Grant Cap
On 1 January 2011, the cap was increased from $750,000 to $835,000. The $835,000 cap applies to all applications where the commencement date of the eligible transaction is on or after 1 January 2011. Applicants who purchase or build a home which has a total value of more than $835,000 will not be eligible for the grant. The previous cap of $750,000 still applies where the eligible transaction commencement date falls between 1 January 2010 and 31 December 2010 (inclusive). Prior to 1 January 2010 there was no cap applicable.

New Home Builders Bonus
Those purchasing vacant land or off the plan purchases where building has not commenced will be exempted from paying stamp duty.
A partial concession of 25 per cent of duty payable applies to completed new homes or off the plan purchases where construction has commenced. The value of the land must not exceed $400,000 and new homes must home exceed $600,000.

Regional Relocation Grant
A one off $7000 financial incentive for New South Wales metropolitan home owners who sell their home and then purchase property in regional and rural centres. All applicants must have owned and occupied their metropolitan home as their principal place of residence with 12 months before the contract exchange date of their regional property. They must then occupy this regional residence for at least 12 continuous months commencing within 12 months after the completion date of the regional home purchase.
The metropolitan area means the local government areas of the Sydney metropolitan area, Blue Mountains, Hawkesbury, Gosford, Wyong, Wollondilly, Wollongong and Newcastle.

For more information and eligibility requirements for the above incentives and schemes visit