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fitzpatricks among NSW’s best

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REI_Awards_2013_300pxThe Real Estate Institute of New South Wales announced the winners of the 2013 Awards for Excellence at a prestigious gala dinner in Sydney last Thursday.

REINSW President Christian Payne said the entries for this year’s Awards were of the highest calibre. “Now in their 16th year, the Awards for Excellence are a celebration of our industry and what has been achieved over the last 12 months. It is a great honour for those who have been selected as finalists” Mr Payne said.

Although the Fitzpatricks team were ultimately unsuccessful this year, we are very proud to have had staff members nominated as finalists in three categories: Letia Oakman for Corporate Support, Vickie Van Heuzen for Residential Property Manager and our Marketing Team (represented by Josh Bett) for Online Presence.