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Adam Drummond is Boxing for Charity

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One of the Directors of Fitzpatricks Real Estate is putting it all on the line for a great cause.
Adam Drummond is having his debut Amateur Boxing Bout at Yerong Creek Bowling Club in the
“Wagga Wagga vs Sydney Thai Kick Boxing and Boxing Tournament” on Saturday 7th May from
Entry to the Street Alert Gym 10 Fight Show is $5 with entry proceeds going to a local Yerong
Creek cause. However Adam is raising money for Kurrajong Waratah, a local organisation who
assists and supports people with a disability and their families.
“By sponsoring my fight, your donation will go towards a very worthwhile, local cause. I am
passionate about this organisation and the work they do for our local community, and I would
love for you to contribute, knowing that it is helping people with a disability right here in the
Whilst nervous about his debut at the exhibition fight night, Adam has been training under the
guidance of Rob Sharpe at Street Alert Gym for several months in preparation for the bout. He
has been sparring with old school mate Ash Fewson who has been Thai Kick Boxing for several
years now.
“Having these guys alongside me has been helping build my confidence. My main aim is to
raise as much as I can for Kurrajong Waratah so they can develop some exciting projects at
“Hildasid”, an acreage property that needs further infrastructure to offer day services to people
of all ages with a disability who are unable to participate in more strenuous or demanding
activities because of their changing needs.”
If you would like to share in this experience, contributing to such a worthy cause,

Please click here to download the form to donate or you can also contact Fitzpatricks Real Estate directly on 02 69211555 or contact Adam Drummond on 0413 571 974.